Debates on the Legend of the White Grape Ape
There are many skeptics that dispute the existance of the four-amed Girallon due to the lack of physical evidence. Very few bones or fossils have survived long enough to be studied thanks to the vulcanism of The Black mountains and the ravinous nature of the apes' primary predators, The Lava Raptors. For whatever reason, less than twenty-five years after they were first reported to the historians of Earl James Jones at Fort Ediface the creatures had died out. Maybe they, in fact, had never lived in those high mountain valleys to begin with, or maybe something profound happened to their species. Perhaps a clue lies in the reports to Fort Ediface.
As the party led by Van Zan Shazam travelled through the jungle-like woods of the mountain valley they were very vigilant of any signs of being followed. Their encounter with the Girallon had left them wary. They moved as fast as caution would allow and collected what little food they could in order to suppliment their dwindling supplies. The account tells of the strange plant life encountered and the warm thickness of the air. It isn't until they come across a heavily trodden path that we find the relevant passage.
Calm, the elf monk, and Chase claim to have been attacked by an ape child while scouting the area. In a berserk fit Calm snatched the child out of the tree and tossed it to its death a few dozen feet bellow. Could this be the answer to our question? Was birth rate of the Girallon so low that the simple act of slaying one child irrivocablly destroyed their race? Maybe not, however this act of violence caused the nearby females that were docile in their obsevation of the party to fly into a murderous frenzy. The only thing that would stop their deadly attacks was to return their deadly force. It wasn't long before the better armed, no pun intended, and better trained warriors had complete dispatched the females. Some believe that this is the answer we seek. With the female Girallon slain the ability for the rare creature to procreate was removed.
If the White Grape Ape had existed it is now little more than a myth wrapped in the telling of a grander tale of men and demi-men on a quest to stop an agent of Chaos frm spreading its tendrils. Maybe the existance of this agent that drew the adventurers is the one to be blaimed for the lost of such magestic animals the likes of which may never be seen again.