Demon Hunters Campaign...
The Demi-Angel Ninja named Gilly is trapped within his ninja sword and must defeat his inner angel to be free. They are a few miles up on at the top of a mountain facing off. This is Gilly's 12th time fighting the Angel and he is painfully aware that the being's ability to fly puts him at a sore disadvantage.
Initiative is rolled and the Angel wins as always.
The Angel plows into Gilly like a rocket, one of Gilly's favorite moves in Angel form, and knocks the ninja 30' back to the edge of the mountain side and a sheer drop. The Angel continues 20' feet out and floats above the open space, daring Gilly to attack. Gilly, without missing a beat runs out after his opponent. At that point I had to jump in.
GM: Mike, are you sure you want Gilly to charge the Angel?
Mike: Gilly ain't afraid of no one especially not his angel form! Gilly charges and stabs straight for his throat.
GM: I don't think Gilly would do that...
Mike: Lem, Gilly is my character. I know what he'd do!
GM: Okay...
Gilly runs off the mountain and dies four pulses later when he hits the ground.
Mike: He was flying over the side of the mountain!? Oh, I thought you meant ssomething else...
The Demi-Angel Ninja named Gilly is trapped within his ninja sword and must defeat his inner angel to be free. They are a few miles up on at the top of a mountain facing off. This is Gilly's 12th time fighting the Angel and he is painfully aware that the being's ability to fly puts him at a sore disadvantage.
Initiative is rolled and the Angel wins as always.
The Angel plows into Gilly like a rocket, one of Gilly's favorite moves in Angel form, and knocks the ninja 30' back to the edge of the mountain side and a sheer drop. The Angel continues 20' feet out and floats above the open space, daring Gilly to attack. Gilly, without missing a beat runs out after his opponent. At that point I had to jump in.
GM: Mike, are you sure you want Gilly to charge the Angel?
Mike: Gilly ain't afraid of no one especially not his angel form! Gilly charges and stabs straight for his throat.
GM: I don't think Gilly would do that...
Mike: Lem, Gilly is my character. I know what he'd do!
GM: Okay...
Gilly runs off the mountain and dies four pulses later when he hits the ground.
Mike: He was flying over the side of the mountain!? Oh, I thought you meant ssomething else...