Dont nitpick this plz read it in entirety and take it in before you rebuttle.... Since leetin gave you a roleplaying aspect to why you cant have platemail i thought i would give you a more in depth combat orientated one...i currently have the highest ac in the party, And do u kno wat that is...26, my character is about levl 10 and i didnt start out with a 26 ac either, i started out at levl 2/1 with something around 16...I had to earned my 26 as do u...To me its fustrating at times becuase i have to forgo magic so that my ac doesnt stray over 30, because of the difficulty increase that having such a high ac brings to the party...TO hear that you want to start out with a 26 Ac off the bat at levl 1 is kinda ridiculous bro...LEmme put it like this I started out with a 16 ac and over about 9 levls I have accumulated 10 ac making my ac 26...If you start out with 26 by the time you hit my levl you would have about at the very least 36 ac...
Im letting you kno now that the AC a character has is directly connected to the difficulty of the foes he faces (ie the monsters the dm throws at him), because one of the dms main jobs is to challenge his pcs and if a pc is not getting hit he is not getting challenged in my levl 1 you would not be able to stand against a foe that could consistently hit a 26 ac kno u may not realize this but lem is actually doing you a favor in getting rid of your i think I would just give you what you wanted and let you fight a foe capable of that armor class so it could just one hitter quitter your ass and let you roll up a new character I would love to see what you say then... Case and point the boss that just 1 hitter quitter me could consistently hit 36 which is way above What i could handle at lvl and point why i and point why you cant have a 26 armor class at lvl regardless if you do it by legal means in the book...If i were you i would take the shitty armor class and get hit for minuscule damage than have a high ass ac and be getting 1 shotted by monsters capable of fuckin that ac up...