No. But think about it. I made a character that supposed to run out into battle and slaughter his foes. With an AC of 15 (now that I finally got some armor off a dead goblin), as compared to the AC of 26 I had (with no magic bonuses), do you really think I could do that? I don't. I think anything and everything we fight is going to roll at least 20 off a 2 and I can't be missed, unless the DM rolls a 1. So that in mind I'm sure that the current character is going to die soon, and this will happen as soon as the DM can finally hit me. So far he hasn't because the first time I was inside the creature and the second time I knocked him to the floor and ran away. I know that as long as I keep doing this running away like a coward rutine, I should be fine. Only problem with that is it goes against the character concept. You should all know how hard I try to stay in character and not meta game, in the way of if my character doesn't know it then I don't know it, even if it would help me. Eventually I'm going to have to play the character the way I invisioned him and I will be struck down by the goblin the fumbles and drops a dagger on my foot and I die...