CnC World War II
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The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne

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1The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:06 pm

The Serpent

The Serpent

If I do this campaign it would be based in my desert lands created during the 4GMs gane. It will be centered around the vast desert waste but will include the coastal lands that the original party never got a chance to see. Dinosaurs, Goblin Tribes, Barbarian Hordes and maybe just maybe The Fates. I think about this game a lot actually. It could be fun.

2The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:33 pm

Leetin McBeatin

Leetin McBeatin

I have too many ideas based on this campaign...ahhh. You need to circle it with the minimum, some side quests.

In the past I spent a wile creating a world (Yea, I create maps for fun) that is similar to this....Pleeasseee!??

3The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:41 pm

The Serpent

The Serpent

We could definitely do this and I have every intention of using some of your ideas like the quality of weapons, this could turn interesting.

4The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:45 pm

Leetin McBeatin

Leetin McBeatin

Desert Yargggg....Goblin Cap'ins wiff Orc Mates. Yarggg.

I have many ideas, some will be very drastic. We can talk..Oh we..will talk...Mwaahahahaaa!

5The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:46 pm

Dark Shoo

Dark Shoo

That would be sick. I'm not so sure about The Fates though.

6The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:49 pm

Leetin McBeatin

Leetin McBeatin

Fates as in Al-Quadim? or Greek Mythology?

7The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:01 pm

The Serpent

The Serpent

The Fates were this group of Uber Mindmages that Greed created and I pit against the party in some intense fights. They were awesome, might place them in the game, whether as enemies or allies I don't know.

8The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:01 pm

The Serpent

The Serpent

I intend to use DQ by the way.

9The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:16 pm

Leetin McBeatin

Leetin McBeatin

Sweet! DQ

Kills two birds with one stone...I get to learn how to DM it, and you get to, you play DQ!

I know this is a longs ways away, since the land of the four will take at least 2 years to complete...... Exclamation

This will give you enough time to get me up-to-date on DQing.

10The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:27 pm

The Serpent

The Serpent

In the 4GMs Campaign the party was only able to explore the center of the continent. This harsh desert wasteland was peopled by tribes of humans, lizardmen, and goblins. They all spoke a dialect of Desert Goblin as their only language. The history of the land is lost to the peoples of the interior but it is something that select nations on the coast might be aware of.

Huge Dinosaurs roam the land and their are many secrets that had never been explored. I intend to continue in that vein.

11The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:00 pm

Leetin McBeatin

Leetin McBeatin

So, the main dialect is Goblin, and even the humans who populate this area speak it? Now the humanoid races were able to strive without the "human" elitists wiping out anything non-human.

12The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:07 pm

The Serpent

The Serpent

Hundreds of years before the campaign the interior of the continnet was harsh and unlivable(much like now) and populated by the highly adaptable Goblins that were forced out of any livable regions by the Lizardmen. Eventually the lizards forced everyone away from the prime realestate. Small communities no larger than small cities house those that could afford to live under Lizard rule. Everyone else hovers on the fringes of the desert.

However, many human and outcast Lizardman peoples were forced to head deep into the desert by the rampaging Lizardman armies and corporations. Those that survived did so by adopting the goblin way of life. Their descendants are the Goblin speaking peoples of the sand that we have now.

13The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:46 pm

Leetin McBeatin

Leetin McBeatin

Ohh, So those who live on the fringes are those who live as Goblins. That means people and other races are incorporated into each community? As other races fit in human society?

I can dig it.

14The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:47 pm

Leetin McBeatin

Leetin McBeatin

What is a Lizardman Corporation?

15The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Wed Jun 30, 2010 1:57 pm

The Serpent

The Serpent

The advanced society of the Lizardmen saw the birth of small cabals of businesses that eventually evolved into modern day equivilent corporations.

16The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Wed Jun 30, 2010 3:08 pm

Leetin McBeatin

Leetin McBeatin

So you mean GUILDS? Not the thieves type, even though they were not all totally lawful.

Was thinking that geography has a lot to play with society. If the Goblins once lived in the fertile lands and were bumped out to the desert, things had to change. Racially they are the same a Goblin that always lived under the lizards and one that run to the desert. Socially there a big differences.

The desert is very harsh, does this change their demeanor, diet, even physically? Middle Easterns live in the desert and they are of a unique skin tone. Not quite Indian or African. Culturally they are very different than both societies even though the middle east shares a border with both.

Tool, clothes, houses...are they nomadic. Factors that will add a reality to a game.

Now you know why I create sop many campaigns and get burned out before completion. In this case I have you to bounce my ideas off of.

17The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:59 am

The Serpent

The Serpent

Did a quick dictionary search and GUILD is the correct term pardon my incorrect noun usage.

The Goblins of the Waste are stronger and more resiient than their more privileged breathren. They are a little smaller but far more aggressive. They eat what they can and revere liquid, drinking the blood o their kills so's not to waste water. All tribes in The Waste are nomadic due to the swirling randomness of the desert and the constant threat of its native Thunder Lizards. Specifics vary with each tribe but goblin tribes are the most numerous and prosperous of all of the desert denizens. All other species immitate the goblins thanks to years of mimicry being the key to survival.

18The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:24 pm

Leetin McBeatin

Leetin McBeatin

Do we have giant desert worms? And secretly the desert Goblins ride them, but publicly the worms and the Goblins have no relations?

Seriously. Since this is a humanoid based campaign, what (playable) races are around?

. Goblin
. Goblin, desert
. Naga Swarma
. Bug Bear
. Ogre
. half Ogre
. Half Goblin (Ogre mommy, Goblin Daddy)
. Gnoll
. ?

19The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Fri Jul 02, 2010 10:32 pm

Leetin McBeatin

Leetin McBeatin

Were do we start? Desert or Fertile? Or maybe somewhere close to the border?

So, if the Lizard are the dominant race how do they rule? Do we base them on one of histories civilizations?

Ohhh, Infra-vision? This will blind those of the desert, maybe they evolved differently. How about they still have the vision, but never use it...wait...the desert is still dark at night and humanoids are nocturnal.....Anyway. I was thinking that another sense grew more dominant.

We can switch things around a bit. Move away from the traditional and vary things up.

20The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:01 am

Leetin McBeatin

Leetin McBeatin


How do these little green suckers get around?


Only the strongest can survive in a desert, everyday is an unforgiving nightmare. Being nocturnal help in avoiding the deserts heat during the day, but how to they gain security?


Domesticated Bugs to be exact.

21The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Empty Re: The Lost Lands of Kerikomayne Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:11 am

Leetin McBeatin

Leetin McBeatin

Also, since bug reproduce so fast they are also a food source. Just throwing that one out there.

Were would players start? The desert, or the fertile lands? Do you have a map?

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